[Live-devel] Problem in receiving wave data over RTP stack.

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Thu Mar 25 09:51:52 PST 2004

>      My problem is not regarding the server part, if I directly given the 
> RTSP URL it is playing fine. But when try to use the live.com sources for 
> getting the wave files that time it is giving problems.
>I am using openRTSP.cpp and playCommon.cpp at the client side and 
>OnDemandRTSPServer.cpp at the server side. I tested few audio samples.

Note that "openRTSP" saves the incoming data stream as a 'raw' data 
file.  In this case, the files (recorded by "openRTSP") contain just raw 
PCM audio samples.  You cannot play these files directly in a media 
player.  To do that, you would need to convert them back into 'WAV'-format 
files (by adding appropriate headers, etc).

>For all these I am able to play directly by giving RTSP URL to VLC player. 
>But if I want to use RTSP Client (using openRTSP.cpp and playCommon.cpp) 
>for this that I am able to receive wave data but I am unable play this data.

If you were to feed the received data directly into a PCM audio decoder 
(after telling the decoder the sampling frequency and sample size, then 
they would play OK.

	Ross Finlayson

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