[Live-devel] Real works over gprs testOnDemandRTSPServer not

Riccardo Rosapepe rkrsp at hotmail.com
Mon May 10 18:08:28 PDT 2004

>>Ok, so.. , i try to experiment with a test prototype before start coding, 
>>to see if i am on the right way.. well, this morning i encoded several mp4
>>movies ( with ffmpeg codec ) at different fps, bitrate and resolution and
>>renamed it "test.m4v" then i ran testOnDemandRTSPServer.
>>The results?
>>Well, exactly the same... streaming on the LAN i can see ALL movies in
>>machines opening movies with url printed out by testOnDemandRTSPServer app 
>>xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7070/mpeg4ESVideoTest ).. but, if i put 
>>on the linux box with gprs modem on it... Quick time says "connecting..." 
>>"requesting data" then nothing happens... is stalled.

>OK, this shows that UDP (unicast) packets are not reaching the
>destination.  Therefore there must be a firewall somewhere (e.g., on the
>GPRS network) that is blocking UDP packets.  You will need to contact your
>provider(s) to get this fixed.

Well, on Monday I contacted my ISP and signaled the problem, they are still 
investigating to see
if something could block UDP packets.. i hope i'll receive an answer in a 
couple of days.
But i realized a very strange thing... the RealNetworks helix streaming 
server ( that we intend to replace with our app ) combined with Real 
producer .. when runs on the linux box with gprs modem ... IT WORKS!!!

this is netstat from the server when server resides on same LAN of client
    -server using testOnDemandRTSPServer        ( riclaptop at tcube.it - - )
    -player using VLC (or Mplayer )             ( )
	result : SUCCESS                            ( we can see video stream very 
well! )

#netstat -ave
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State    
    User       Inode
tcp        0      0 *:32768                 *:*                     LISTEN   
    rpcuser    1217
tcp        0      0 localhost:32769         *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       1702
tcp        0      0 *:sunrpc                *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       1132
tcp        0      0 *:x11                   *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       2480
tcp        0      0 *:10000                 *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       1796
tcp        0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       1498
tcp        0      0 *:7741                  *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       2036
tcp        0      0 *:7070                  *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       27895
tcp        0      0 riclaptop at tcube.it:7070       
ESTABLISHED root       27898
tcp        0      0 riclaptop at tcube.it:7070       
ESTABLISHED root       27900
tcp        0      0 riclaptop at tcube.i:33323        
ESTABLISHED root       27463
udp        0      0 *:32768                 *:*                              
    rpcuser    1214
udp        0      0 *:10000                 *:*                              
    root       1797
udp        0      0 *:33070                 *:*                              
    root       27861
udp        0      0 *:33071                 *:*                              
    root       27863
udp        0      0 *:33072                 *:*                              
    root       27901
udp        0      0 *:33073                 *:*                              
    root       27902
udp        0      0 localhost:domain        *:*                              
    root       1514
udp        0      0 *:7741                  *:*                              
    root       2309
udp        0      0        *:*                              
    root       1518
udp        0      0 riclaptop at tcube.it:5353 *:*                              
    root       1517
udp        0      0 localhost:5353          *:*                              
    root       1516
udp        0      0 *:sunrpc                *:*                              
    root       1116
raw    75120      0 *:icmp                  *:*                     7        
    root       2021
Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node Path
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     1363   
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     2481   /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     2757   /tmp/xmms_root.0
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     2603   /tmp/.fam_socket
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     2560   
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     2566   
unix  11     [ ]         DGRAM                    1136   /dev/log
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     2706   /tmp/.ICE-unix/1569
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     3916   
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     2589   
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     27796  
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     27795
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     27791  /tmp/.ICE-unix/1569
unixnetstat -ave  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     27790
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     27789  /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     27788
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     26998  

this is netstat from the server when server resides on gprs network
    -server using testOnDemandRTSPServer        ( )
    -player using VLC (or Mplayer )             ( )
	result : FAILED                            ( we can see anything... Mplayer 
says "Initiated "video/MP4V-ES" RTP                                          
            subsession" but nothing happens, on another client (Win2k) Quick 
time says "connecting... requesting data .." then stall and prints out 
"error -5408: Timed Out" )

#netstat -ave
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State    
    User       Inode
tcp        0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       940
tcp        0      0 *:7070                  *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       43865
tcp        0      0      
ESTABLISHED root       41325
tcp        0      0        
TIME_WAIT   root       0
tcp        0      0     host222-137.pool8:61769 
ESTABLISHED root       43872
udp        0      0 *:1066                  *:*                              
    root       43874
udp        0      0 *:1067                  *:*                              
    root       43875
udp        0      0       *:*                              
    root       44009
Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node Path
unix  9      [ ]         DGRAM                    864    /dev/log
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    11803
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    9496
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    9454
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    6505
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    1857
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    981
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    873

this is netstat from the server when server resides on gprs network and is 
HELIX Server
    -server using HELIX rmsrvr                  ( )
    -player using RealPlayer                    ( )
	result : SUCCESS                            ( we can see video stream very 
well! )

# netstat -ave
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State    
    User       Inode
tcp        0      0 *:9090                  *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       47223
tcp        0      0 *:7878                  *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       47224
tcp        0      0 *:4040                  *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       47222
tcp        0      0 *:rtsp                  *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       47174
tcp        0      0 *:webcache              *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       47175
tcp        0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       940
tcp        0      0 *:26681                 *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       47176
tcp        0      0 *:5050                  *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       47219
tcp        0      0 *:1755                  *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       47177
tcp        0      0 *:7070                  *:*                     LISTEN   
    root       47173
tcp        0      0      
ESTABLISHED root       41325
tcp        0      0 localhost.localdom:rtsp localhost.localdom:1295 
TIME_WAIT   root       0
tcp        0  10136     host222-137.pool8:62131 
ESTABLISHED root       47511
udp        0      0 *:9875                  *:*                              
    root       47186
udp     2628      0 *:30001                 *:*                              
    root       47225
udp        0      0 *:30002                 *:*                              
    root       47226
udp        0      0 *:30003                 *:*                              
    root       47227
udp        0      0 *:30004                 *:*                              
    root       47228
udp        0      0 *:30005                 *:*                              
    root       47229
udp        0      0       *:*                              
    root       47167
udp        0      0 *:30006                 *:*                              
    root       47230
udp        0      0 *:1078                  *:*                              
    root       47217
udp        0      0 *:30007                 *:*                              
    root       47231
udp        0      0 *:30008                 *:*                              
    root       47232
udp        0      0 *:30009                 *:*                              
    root       47233
udp        0      0 *:30010                 *:*                              
    root       47234
udp        0      0 *:30011                 *:*                              
    root       47235
udp        0      0 *:30012                 *:*                              
    root       47236
udp        0      0 *:30013                 *:*                              
    root       47237
udp        0      0 *:30014                 *:*                              
    root       47238
udp        0      0 *:30015                 *:*                              
    root       47239
udp        0      0 *:30016                 *:*                              
    root       47240
udp        0      0 *:30017                 *:*                              
    root       47241
udp        0      0 *:30018                 *:*                              
    root       47242
udp        0      0 *:30019                 *:*                              
    root       47243
udp        0      0 *:30020                 *:*                              
    root       47244
udp        0      0 *:1755                  *:*                              
    root       47184
udp        0      0 *:6770                  *:*                              
    root       47218
Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node Path
unix  9      [ ]         DGRAM                    864    /dev/log
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47215
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47214
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47207
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47206
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47204
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47203
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47200
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47199
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47169
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47168
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47057
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47056
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47055
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     47054
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    11803
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    9496
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    9454
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    6505
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    1857
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    981
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    873

Isn't it strange? And i bet that Helix is streaming Multicast!
if i use rtsp port ( 554 ) the behaviour is the same.

Any help would be appreciated.

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