[Live-devel] LIVE.COM Streaming Media and Java Media Framework

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Thu Oct 21 02:12:16 PDT 2004

Serendipity!  I just received an email message - off the list - from 
someone who thinks they have discovered why the LIVE.COM RTSP server 
implementation doesn't work with JMIF clients.  (It was unclear whether or 
not he was also aware of the discussion currently underway on this mailing 

It turns out that the SDP lines generated by the LIVE.COM RTSP server - in 
response to a RTSP "DESCRIBE" command - were not in the precise order 
specified by the SDP RFC.  Most SDP parsers don't really care much about 
enforcing this precise order, because it's not important, but apparently 
JMIF is especially anal retentive about this.

I have now installed a new version (2004.10.21) of the code that generates 
SDP descriptions with lines appearing in the approved order.

Please rebuild the RTSP server ("testOnDemandRTSPServer") with this new 
vresion of the code, and try your JMIF client once again.

	Ross Finlayson

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