[Live-devel] Symbian Porting: Step By Step

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Thu Sep 9 16:16:16 PDT 2004

At 01:34 PM 9/9/04, you wrote:
>Ok, you are right, but why nothing are coming in?

You'll have to figure that out for yourself - it's your network.  But once 
again (for the bazillionth time), I suspect that you have a firewall 
somewhere that is blocking UDP packets from reaching your client.

>  If something should be coming .. what kind of data should be?
>Sorry to insist in this point ... but if the server didn't try to send any 
>RTP/UDP Packet .. why must it receive a RTP/UDP Packet?

You are confusing RTSP and RTP.  RTSP is the control protocol.  It runs 
over TCP.  RTP is the data protocol.  It uses UDP.

After the server sends back its "OK" response to the "PLAY" command, it 
will also start sending back RTP packets.  But the RTP packets are being 
sent via UDP (using a different socket) - not via TCP.

>Please, points in the code where is sent the RTP/UDP Packet

See the call to "fRTPInterface.sendPacket()" in 

	Ross Finlayson

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