[Live-devel] media subsessions and names

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Wed Sep 15 13:29:18 PDT 2004

At 04:38 AM 9/15/04, you wrote:
>Good afternoon.
>I had created RTSPServer and one ServerMediaSession object with four
>ServerMediaSubsession objects for video streams.
>On the client side I got names of video streams from the SDP
>(for example "track1", "track2", etc.).
>On the client side sequence of initialised MediaSubsessions can differ
>("track2", "track1", "track3", etc.).


I'm not sure I follow this.  If you look at the code for the functions 
"ServerMediaSession::addSubsession()" and 
"ServerMediaSession::generateSDPDescription()", you'll see that the SDP for 
each "ServerMediaSubsession" is listed in the order that it was added, and 
that each is given a consecutive track number.

If that's not the case, then please let me know where I should fix the code.

	Ross Finlayson

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