[Live-devel] need advices

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Wed Apr 13 16:26:33 PDT 2005

>Now I should write a filter that can have 2 inputs and one output,
>something like :
>videoMutlisource = filterMultisource(source1, source2)
>with a doGetNextFrame(source1 (or) source2)
>Do you think that with little modification I could use the FramedSource and
>MediaSource code ?

I don't believe you'll need to make any modification to the existing 
"FramedSource" or "MediaSource" classes.

You should be able to define a new "MPEG2TransportStreamSplicer" class 
that's a subclass of "FramedSource" (therefore, it will need to implement 
the virtual function "doGetNextFrame()").

Your new class will (presumably) take the two input streams as parameters 
(i.e., to the constructor).  It will (presumably) implement it's 
"doGetNextFrame()" function by calling "getNextFrame()" on the input 
streams, as appropriate.  (This is going to be a little tricky, because 
remember that "getNextFrame()" is asynchronous.)

Have fun!

	Ross Finlayson

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