[Live-devel] How to add the H.263 video stream to the server?

pkucjw pkumoonheart at 163.com
Sat Apr 16 12:19:39 PDT 2005

   I've used the live libraries to transfer MPEG-1or2 and MPEG4 video elements successfully. But I failed in using the H.263 video stream transfer.I used the classes of H263plusVideoRTPSource and H263plusVideoRTPSink, but it didn't work properly.
   Dear Ross Finlayson, can you tell me how to use the two classes as others.
   The code in testMP3Streamer.cpp can be presented here for reference, if I want to  transfer MP3 streams 
  unsigned char rtpPayloadFormat = 96; // A dynamic payload format code
    = MP3ADURTPSink::createNew(*env, sessionState.rtpGroupsock,
  ServerMediaSession* sms
    = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, "testStream", inputFileName,
		"Session streamed by \"testMP3Streamer\"", isSSM);
  sms->addSubsession(PassiveServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*sessionState.sink, sessionState.rtcpInstance));
  I have do the same things as the reference code 
  1. creat a sink of H.263 video
  2. creat a mediaseesion o H.263
  3. add the seesion to the rtspserver  
 But it doesn't work. Can you give me some ideas about it?  Your help will be appreciated.
 Thanks a lot.
Best wishes to you!
Email: pkumoonheart at 163.com

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