[Live-devel] How to add the H.263 video stream to the server?

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Fri Apr 15 22:33:28 PDT 2005

>   The code in testMP3Streamer.cpp can be presented here for reference

Yes, you can use this if you want to stream via multicast.  (If, instead, 
you want to stream via unicast, then you would use 
"testOnDemandRTSPServer.cpp" for reference.)

>   I have do the same things as the reference code
>   1. creat a sink of H.263 video
>   2. creat a mediaseesion o H.263
>   3. add the seesion to the rtspserver
>  But it doesn't work.

What you're forgetting here is the *data source* object(s).  You will need 
to create a data source object that delivers discrete H.263 video 
frames.  If your data is coming from a file, then you will need (i) a 
"ByteStreamFileSource" (instead of a "MP3FileSource"), and (ii) a 
"H263plusVideoStreamFramer" (this is a new class that you would need to write).

	Ross Finlayson

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