[Live-devel] Removal of ServerMediaSession

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Tue Apr 26 20:50:16 PDT 2005

>You've told me before that, to remove a stream from the RTSPServer I
>simply had to call
>removeServerMediaSession() with my SMS * as argument.
>For some reason, this call does absolutely nothing. The streams goes on!

Calling "removeServerMediaSession()" causes the named 'ServerMediaSession' 
to be removed from the RTSP server's lookup table, so that any *subsequent* 
client requests to play it will fail (they'll return "404 Not Found").

However, any stream(s) that happen to be ongoing at the time that you call 
"removeServerMediaSession()" will not be affected.  They will continue - as 
usual - until the input source ends (or until the client ends the stream).

There's no way in the current code to both remove a 'ServerMediaSession' 
*and* cancel any ongoing streams that happen to be using it.

	Ross Finlayson

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