[Live-devel] can not play the MP4 files

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Tue Aug 30 09:27:51 PDT 2005

>I think you misunderstanded me.I use openRTSP to play the "rtsp://" with
>the option "-4", and save the received data as a mp4 file. And then i play
>the file with VLC,but only video can be show.

Sorry - I understand now.

I was able to record a ".mp4" format file using the command:
         openRTSP -4 -w 192 -h 240 -f 15 rtsp://url > test.mp4
and then I was able to play the output file "test.mp4" using QuickTime Player.

As you noted, when I play the file using VLC, the audio does not 
play.  This appears to be a bug in VLC - i.e., probably not a bug in 
the "LIVE.COM Streaming Media" code.

	Ross Finlayson

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