[Live-devel] syncronization problem

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Sun Dec 4 23:46:46 PST 2005

At 03:41 AM 11/26/2005, you wrote:
>Hi Ross,
>I have upload test1.mpg,test2.mpg and
>Test(synchronization dvd stream).VOB files to the
>following adresses.These files are the files that I
>see lip sych problem.

I tried streaming these files (using both the multicast and unicast 
("testOnDemandRTSPServer") demo applications), and playing the 
streams with VLC.  From what I could tell, the audio and video in the 
received streams were in sync (at least, as much in sync as they were 
when I played the files locally).  Sorry.

	Ross Finlayson
	Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)

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