[Live-devel] About RTSP Url

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Tue Dec 6 09:50:57 PST 2005

>I'm new with live media!
>I have made a piece of software that stream 4 lives video sources, 
>from a MPEG4 encoder card, using unicast RTSP portocol.
>It's work fine,  but I would like set my RTSP URL like this :
>    * 
> <rtsp://x.x.x.x:8554/streamer/camera0>rtsp://x.x.x.x:8554/streamer/camera0 
> for having both sound and video from camera 0,
>    * 
> <rtsp://x.x.x.x:8554/streamer/camera0/video>rtsp://x.x.x.x:8554/streamer/camera0/video 
> for having only the video from camera 0,
>    * and 
> <rtsp://x.x.x.x:8554/streamer/camera0/audio>rtsp://x.x.x.x:8554/streamer/camera0/audio 
> for having sound only.
>but actually I just can set up only this url : 
><rtsp://x.x.x.x:8554/camera0>rtsp://x.x.x.x:8554/camera0 wich 
>contains both sound and video.
>Must I make a new RTSPServer, or something like this?

No, just use a single "RTSPServer", but add to it three different 
"ServerMediaSession" objects, one for each of the three streams that 
you want to support.  See "testProgs/testOnDemandRTSPServer.cpp" for 
an example of this.

Note that the RTSPServer implementation treats the "streamName" 
parameter as being an opaque string, so it's OK to have it include 
"/" characters - e.g., "streamer/camera0/video".

Note also that you will need to add *new* "ServerMediaSubsession" 
objects to each "ServerMediaSession" object.  So, for example, the 
audio "ServerMediaSubsession" object that you add to your 
'audio-only' "ServerMediaSession" will be different from the audio 
"ServerMediaSubsession" object that you add to your'audio+video' 
"ServerMediaSession".  (Ditto for video.)  Because you're streaming 
from a live source, you will need to change the "reuseFirstSource" 
variable to "True" (see "testProgs/testOnDemandRTSPServer.cpp").

	Ross Finlayson
	Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)

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