[Live-devel] How to download a RTSP stream data into a file?

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Dec 21 19:06:36 PST 2005

At 04:32 PM 12/21/2005, you wrote:
>Thank you for your reply.
>I used the -V command, and the output are two files: audio and video.
>but I compared the two files with the related part of the original file,
>there are a little different.
>In my opinion, I want to download the whole RTSP file to local.
>the original file will be MPEG2-TS file or MPEG4 file,

If the original file was a MPEG2-TS file, then there will probably be 
only one output file (video), and it should contain a copy of the 
original transport stream.

Therefore, your original file must have been a MPEG-4 file.

See <http://www.live555.com/openRTSP/#quicktime> for instructions on 
how to output a ".mp4"-format file that you may be able to view in a 
media player.

>I attached the command line output.

There was no attachment to your message.

	Ross Finlayson
	Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)

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