[Live-devel] Using the ReorderingPacketBuffer

Chandra Raghavan chandrashekar at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 14:59:37 PST 2005

I'm using two RTP interfaces in the "MPEG1or2VideoRTPSource" which
receive packets from  the sender. One of them is a normal receiver,
while the other receives FEC packets and computes the original
packets. I have the following queries regarding the setup:

- Is it alright if the network background read handlers of both the
interfaces update the ReorderingPacketBuffer?
- My understanding is that the ReorderingPacketBuffer will
automatically delete duplicate packets for me, so I continuously
compute FEC packets and add them to the ReorderingBuffer (which is
receiving packets from the normal RTP interface as well). I hope this
is fine.

To test this out, I did simply sent 2 copies of each RTP packet. One
to the FEC port and the other to the normal RTP port. However, the
output file I got was significantly larger than the input and did not
display properly.
Thank you very much in advance.
   _ /\ _      Chandrashekar
   \ oo /      National University of Singapore
   /_  _\      Computer Engineering 
      \/         Class of 2005

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