[Live-devel] frame headers

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Fri Jan 28 09:48:55 PST 2005

>>>Where is the best place to process frame-specific headers that must be 
>>>placed before each frame in a packet when there will be multiple frames?
>>Are you developing a RTPSink subclass (for sending packets of this type), 
>>or a RTPSource subclass (for receiving packets of this class)?
>Sorry - by "process", I meant "insert".  So this would be for an RTPSink 

I was afraid you were going to say that :-)

>  But my question was more whether frame-specific headers should be 
> inserted into the data buffer in a FramedSource (i.e, when reading from a 
> file, its doGetNextFrame function), or in an RTPSink's 
> doSpecialFrameHandling ...

In principle, the right place to do this would be in your "RTPSink" 
subclass.  However, the base classes ("RTPSink" and "MultiFramedRTPSink") 
have not yet been set up (with appropriate virtual functions, etc.) to let 
you do this properly.  (It will currently let you set up a RTP-specific 
header before a single frame of data in the packet, but not before 
*multiple* frames of data in the packet.)

So, at least for now, you should fill in your RTP-specific headers - along 
with your frame data - in the ("FramedSource" or "FramedFilter") subclass 
that will feed into your "RTPSink" subclass.  Admittedly, this is a 
'layering violation' (RTP-specific stuff should really remain within your 
"RTPSink" subclass), but it seems to be the only way to do what you want 
for now.

	Ross Finlayson

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