[Live-devel] mac compiling problem

Heintje Müller live-devel
Sat Jul 2 19:01:21 PDT 2005

Hi, Ross..

Just an information... if one wants to use liveMedia with a MAC OSX API, 
there is a problem. The OSX system libraries have their own Boolean 
typedef (-> unsigned char, defined in (afaik) /usr/libkern/OSType.h ), 
but liveMedia uses Boolean as an unsigned int typedef. Would be nice if 
you could make the codes compatible.
Even better would be a namespace for liveMedia, cause there are some 
classes like "Socket" that are in many libraries and codebases with the 
same name. Would be much easier to integrate liveMedia in extisting 
projects or to build projects with more libraries than just liveMedia ;o)

Best regards,
  Heintje ;o)

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