[Live-devel] mac compiling problem

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Sat Jul 2 22:37:56 PDT 2005

>Just an information... if one wants to use liveMedia with a MAC OSX API, 
>there is a problem. The OSX system libraries have their own Boolean 
>typedef (-> unsigned char, defined in (afaik) /usr/libkern/OSType.h ), but 
>liveMedia uses Boolean as an unsigned int typedef.

That's odd - noone has reported this before.  (Perhaps Apple changed some 
of their headers in a recent OS X release??)

>Even better would be a namespace for liveMedia

For now, I don't want to start using relatively advanced C++ features like 
namespaces (or templates, or RTTI), because there are probably still 
development environments being used that don't support them (or support 
them in incompatible ways).  (I'm still catching grief over the handful of 
places in the code where we use C++ exceptions :-)

	Ross Finlayson

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