[Live-devel] Audio capturing from a microphone and unicast streaming

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Mon Jul 4 15:45:30 PDT 2005

>I have used testWavAudioStreamer example and AudioInputDevice class to 
>stream audio captured from a microphone to a multicast address. Now, I 
>would like to do the same thing but to a unicast address.
>Nevertheless, reading the documentation provided I have seen that the 
>recommended example for unicast streaming is testOnDemandRTSPServer. I 
>have tried to mix both examples but it doesn't seem to be as simple as I 
>might have thought.
>Could anyone give me some clues?


Because this ("How do I modify 'testOnDemandRTSPServer' to stream from a 
live input source rather than from a file?") is a commonly-asked question, 
I have now added it to the online FAQ: <http://www.live.com/liveMedia/faq.html>

See, in particular, <http://www.live.com/liveMedia/faq.html#liveInput-unicast>

	Ross Finlayson

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