[Live-devel] the way to add a new parameter in RTSP Server/Client.

thomas ming.zhuming at gmail.com
Sun Jul 17 04:18:39 PDT 2005

Hi Ross,

In the RTSPServer side, I think the following will be added:

void RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession::handleCmd_SET_PARAMETER()

The question is in the Client Side:
Boolean RTSPClient::setMediaSessionParameter(MediaSession&
/*session*/, char const* parameterName, char const* parameterValue)

When I call "setMediaSessionParameter()" to send the "SET_PARAMETER"
command, can I name any "parameterName" (any options for the
"parameterName"----this is out of my knowledge)? For example, can I
name the parameterName = "aaa"?  When the Server recvs the message,
the Server will  get the parameterValue for the "aaa"....

Thanks a lot,

>I am thinking what is the best way to add some other key press
>parameters (e.g. the number "0, 1 ,2 ...") in the live.com RTSP
>Server/Client so that the RTSP server can recv and identify the number
>when the client (say, openRTSP) send it via keyboard. Any idea?

I suggest the RTSP "SET_PARAMETER" command, which seems to have been
intended for this sort of thing.

In "RTSPClient", you can call "setMediaSessionParameter()" to send the
"SET_PARAMETER" command.

In "RTSPServer", there is unfortunately no current implementation of the
"SET_PARAMETER" command, so you would need to add an implementation of this

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