[Live-devel] problem with Playing Mpeg-2 TS file thru testOnDemandRTSPServer

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Mon Jul 18 09:25:41 PDT 2005

>I have problem with VLC while
>playing MMPEG-2 TS stream. The following is my setup.
>Server - BCM7030 target board (MIPS processor) and

>But When I tested the above said ts file is playing
>properly for the following setup.
>Server - BCM7320 target board (MIPS processor) and

So, what's the difference between the "BCM7030" and the "BCM7320"?  You're 
going to have to figure this out for yourself.  Are you sure that the 
"BCM7030" does not have a 10 Mbps Ethernet interface (instead of 100 
Mbps)?  (With a 3.56 Mbps stream on a 10 Mbps Ethernet, you can probably 
expect packet loss.)

	Ross Finlayson

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