[Live-devel] Statistics available from the client side

Ali Allaoui allaoui at enseirb.fr
Thu Jul 21 19:31:10 PDT 2005

I want to retrieve statistics such as jitter, packet lost ratio and 
latency for an RTP Video session (without sound), I have an RTCPInstance 
object running on the client, but not on the server(I am using a 
DirectShow Filter of my own based on the Morgan RTP DirectShow filter 
and his class DSPushRTPSink derived from RTPSink). Regarding to the 
RTPReceptionStats class, I understood that can' t retrieve packet lost 
ratio and latency. I would be very grateful for some help so I can 
finish my internship in time.
If someone is interested my DirectShow filters are free, not quite 
finished but could be interesting.

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