[Live-devel] Statistics available from the client side

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Thu Jul 21 12:38:31 PDT 2005

>I want to retrieve statistics such as jitter, packet lost ratio and 
>latency for an RTP Video session (without sound), I have an RTCPInstance 
>object running on the client, but not on the server(I am using a 
>DirectShow Filter of my own based on the Morgan RTP DirectShow filter and 
>his class DSPushRTPSink derived from RTPSink). Regarding to the 
>RTPReceptionStats class, I understood that can' t retrieve packet lost 
>ratio and latency.

That's not true.  Even though your server does not implement RTCP (and so 
your client will not receive RTCP "SR" packets), your client will still 
record packet loss and latency statistics.

For an example of how to use this, see how the "openRTSP" application 
implements its "-Q" option (see "testProgs/playCommon.cpp").

	Ross Finlayson

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