[Live-devel] PlayBack Control on JPEG Streaming

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Thu Jul 28 10:39:15 PDT 2005

>Just for fun, I have made an implementation for
>    virtual float duration() const;
>    virtual void seekStreamSource(FramedSource* inputSource, float seekNPT);
>in the MPEG2TransportFileServerMediaSubsession class. Currently the
>seekStream does not work very well, even in theory, as I just jump to
>fileSize*(seekNPT/duration), and continue from there. My problem is
>that none of my media players recognize that TS streams now are
>seekable. I don't even get a slider.
>Running vlc with debug enabled, I get:
>, so it seems like it is getting the time information correctly. Is
>there more to this than just those two functions?

No, that should be enough information to tell media player clients 
that the stream is seekable.  However, for some unknown (to me) 
reason, VLC doesn't display a slider when playng Transport Streams.

However, an Amino set-top box should be able to seek within your 
stream.  To do this, add ";offset=<n>" to the end of the "rtsp://" 
URL that you type into the set-top box (e.g., using the Amino 
keyboard), where <n> is the number of seconds into the stream where 
you wish to start.  (This is an Amino-specific hack; the 
";offset=<n>" string doesn't get included in the URL that gets passed 
to the server.)

	Ross Finlayson

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