[Live-devel] streaming pcma audio with liveMedia

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Tue Jun 7 08:22:18 PDT 2005

>does liveMedia support pcma audio streaming?

Yes, it can receive a PCMA RTP audio stream (see "MediaSession.cpp"), or 
transmit a *preencoded* PCMA RTP audio stream (see "SimpleRTPSink.cpp").

>I only found classes for pcmu audio.

However, there are currently no classes - equivalent to the existing 
"uLawFromPCMAudioSource" and "PCMFromuLawAudioSource" - for *converting* 
between 8-bit PCM a-law and raw 16-bit PCM.  These classes would be very 
simple to write (using the existing 'u-law' classes as a model), and I 
encourage someone to write such classes, and contribute them to the library.

	Ross Finlayson

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