[Live-devel] How many rtsp feeds is "reasonable"?

Neil Alexander nalex at hand-off.com
Wed Jun 15 14:31:38 PDT 2005


I've based my application on the "ondemandrtspserver" sample. I have  
created and run multiple rtsp servers simultaneously, and they seem  
to be working OK - so far.

Question, though, is how many servers are "reasonable"? Also, I infer  
that each viewer requires a separate rtsp server. I tried to do a  
multicast, but it screws up the network pretty badly. I was told my  
network was defective - but I don't see how.

My source is usually around .5Mb / sec, though I will adjust some  
sources down to around 150 Kb / sec.

Anyway, if I wanted 3 people to view the same source, I need to  
create three separate rtsp servers, and let the subsession subclass I  
created deal with distributing the source to the servers. Is this a  
good approach?

I don't think multicast is an option because some of the viewer(s)  
will be outside the LAN. I assume I'll need to use Darwin injector or  
an rtsp relay to get it outside the firewall. Is this also correctly  

Is there anything about the rtsp servers that I should watch out for  
if I use multiple instances?


Neil Alexander

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