[Live-devel] How many rtsp feeds is "reasonable"?

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Wed Jun 15 12:08:18 PDT 2005

>  Also, I infer  that each viewer requires a separate rtsp server.

That's not correct.  A single RTSP server can serve more than one different 
media source ("testOnDemandRTSPServer" is an example of this).  Also, more 
than one client ('viewer') can connect to a single RTSP server, and play 
(either the same, or different) sources concurrently.

>Anyway, if I wanted 3 people to view the same source, I need to
>create three separate rtsp servers

No, you need only one RTSP server; it can serve 3 (or more) different 
clients concurrently, streaming the same (or different) sources.

Note, however, that if your input source is a live stream (rather than a 
file, as in the "testOnDemandRTSPServer" example), then you should change 
"reuseFirstSource" (in "testOnDemandRTSPServer.cpp") to True.  This will 
ensure that the input source gets read only once, regardless of how many 
concurrently clients are accessing it.

	Ross Finlayson

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