[Live-devel] RTP Ports and Session timeout

Luca Zappella luca at filibusta.crema.unimi.it
Thu Jun 16 17:24:17 PDT 2005

Hi Ross,
I have developed an RTSP Server with livemedia that stream from a
camera. The client is VLC or Quick Time.

Now the points:

1) I would to configure firewalls allowing only what is needed, I would
like to know the range in which the server chooses the UDP
ports for the RTP packets; I have tried to look into the source code but
without success :(

2) I would to stop the stream after N seconds. I have tried to pass a
session_timeout value when I add a new stream to the server but when the
timeout expires: VLC ignore it, QuickTime sends a PAUSE command but the
server continues to encode and send packets (and that's correct because
I use the reuseFirstSource flag). So how can I stop the stream and close
the session?

As always thank a lot!

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