[Live-devel] LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'msvcirt.lib'

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Sun Jun 19 20:17:54 PDT 2005

>I followed your suggestion, and re-generated the make files as Unix 
>configuration files
>using config.cygwin.
>5 of the six libraries compiled and linked immediately:
>   UsageEnvironmnet
>   BasicUsageEnvironment
>   Groupsock
>   liveMedia
>   testProgrs
>However, the 6th library (WindowsAudioInputDevice) is proving to be 
>slightly more challenging.

If you had run "make" at the top level - as you were supposed to - you 
would not have even attempted to build that directory :-)  That directory 
is supposed to be built only on Windows proper - using the 
"WindowsAudioInputDevice.mak" file with native tools such as Visual 
Studio.  It was not intended to be built using 'Unix-like' environments - 
even environments such as "cygwin" that run on Windows.

If you can get "WindowsAudioInputDevice" to build and link using "cygwin", 
then great; however, it wasn't intended to be built that way.

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