[Live-devel] Strange sequence number

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Mon May 9 16:34:37 PDT 2005

>As I have already explained you, sometimes some packets, before the
>packet with the marker bit setted, are lost. I can deduce this because
>the sequence number of the RTP packets has a gap. Moreover the file I
>create on the rtspproxy using each RTP packet is different from the
>original one because is missing those packets.


The problem is being caused by the extremely large (in some cases, >100 
kByte) MPEG-4 video frames in your file.  (You must have the worst MPEG-4 
encoder on the planet :-)    You will have already discovered that you need 
to increase "OutPacketBuffer::maxSize" in your server application.

In your client application(s), you will need increase the kernel's socket 
receive buffer size, to properly handle these large frames (which are split 
over many RTP packets, that are sent (and thus received) in immediate 

The easiest way to do this is to change - in "MultiFramedRTPSource.cpp" - 
the line
         increaseReceiveBufferTo(env, RTPgs->socketNum(), 50*1024);
         increaseReceiveBufferTo(env, RTPgs->socketNum(), 200000);

	Ross Finlayson

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