[Live-devel] where can i get dynamic payload type's implementation mechanism

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Sat Nov 26 22:30:50 PST 2005

>    Now I have some question about rfc3119

FYI, RFC 3119 is getting revised, to fix some minor bugs, and add a 
bit more clarification.  The new version is online as

>    Question 1:
>     would you give me more detail about the backpointer.

See the description of "main_data_begin" in the document linked 
above.  Also note the MPEG-1 (or 2) audio specification.

>    Question 2:
>     about RealNetWorks you told me:
> >(i) there is only one ADU frame in each RTP packet, and
>      Is it that there is no ADU descriptors data.
> >(ii) there is no special header in the RTP packet.
>      Is it that the ISN code == 0xFFE. MP3 convert to ADU do not use
>interleaved ADU frames

Correct.  See lines 707 through 718 of "liveMedia/MediaSession.cpp".

	Ross Finlayson
	Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)

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