[Live-devel] Patch : Scheduling a task to occur after a delay expressed in seconds and microseconds

Glen Gray glen at lincor.com
Thu Feb 9 11:15:52 PST 2006

Hey David,

I'd to fix a similar problem with the Kasenna=>SDP generation in 
RTSPClient. The issue here is that microseconds is an signed int, which 
is limited to positive value of 2147483648. I supplied a patch to change 
it to an unsigned 64bit int (though we'd to juggle type naming to get 
VC++ to compile). I'd say all that's needed is that same thing here.

David BERTRAND wrote:

>When using UsageEnvironment::scheduleDelayedTask(int microseconds, ...) from liveMedia library, you cannot schedule an event to occur later than 2147 seconds in the future (+- 35 minutes) because when converting this time in microseconds you reach the maximum int value for a 32-bit system (2147483647). This was not enough for me so I added the possibility to schedule an event by specifying delay in seconds and microseconds. Now the new maximum time in the future for an event is around 24855 days. I would be pleased if you could consider this for future releases of the library. I attached my patch to this email. 
>live-devel mailing list
>live-devel at lists.live555.com

Glen Gray <glen at lincor.com>              Digital Depot, Thomas Street
Senior Software Engineer                            Dublin 8, Ireland
Lincor Solutions Ltd.                          Ph: +353 (0) 1 4893682

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