[Live-devel] Compiling problem for armlinux

Çagdas Genç cgyencia at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 21 13:12:53 PST 2006

I am still trying live555 for armlinux with Red Hat 7.3 machine and 
arm-linux-gcc (GCC) 3.2.3
I think i have a header problem but i can't solve it..

The process is started like this..

[root at vm_machine live]# ./genMakefiles armlinux
[root at vm_machine live]# make

It begin with no problem

arm-linux-gcc -c -Iinclude -I../UsageEnvironment/include 
-I../groupsock/include -I. -O2 -DSOCKLEN_T=socklen_t -DNO_STRSTREAM=1 
-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE=1 -Wall -DBSD=1 AMRAudioSource.cpp
arm-linux-gcc -c -Iinclude -I../UsageEnvironment/include 
-I../groupsock/include -I. -O2 -DSOCKLEN_T=socklen_t -DNO_STRSTREAM=1 
-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE=1 -Wall -DBSD=1 AMRAudioFileSource.cpp ......


arm-linux-ld -olibliveMedia.a -L. -r -Bstatic \
        Media.o MediaSource.o FramedSource.o FramedFileSource.o 
FramedFilter.o ByteStreamFileSource.o ByteStreamMultiFileSource.o 
BasicUDPSource.o DeviceSource.o AudioInputDevice.o WAVAudioFileSource.o 
MPEG1or2Demux.o MPEG1or2DemuxedElementaryStream.o MPEGVideoStreamFramer.o 
MPEG1or2VideoStreamFramer.o MPEG1or2VideoStreamDiscreteFramer.o 
MPEG4VideoStreamFramer.o ......

make[1]: Entering directory `/root/cgyencia/live555-latest/live/testProgs'
arm-linux-gcc -c -I../UsageEnvironment/include -I../groupsock/include 
-I../liveMedia/include -I../BasicUsageEnvironment/include -I. -O2 
arm-linux-gcc -otestMP3Streamer -L. testMP3Streamer.o 
../liveMedia/libliveMedia.a ../groupsock/libgroupsock.a 
make: *** Deleting file `testProgs/testMP3Streamer'
make[1]: *** [testMP3Streamer] Interrupt
make: *** [testProgs/testMP3Streamer] Interrupt

then, it gives the errors below for hundreds of times....

: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
../liveMedia/libliveMedia.a(.text+0x13f58): In function 
: undefined reference to `operator new[](unsigned)'
../liveMedia/libliveMedia.a(.text+0x14024): In function 

What should i do?!?

Best Regards,


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