[Live-devel] memory management

Erwin Rol mailinglists at erwinrol.com
Fri Feb 24 14:11:09 PST 2006

On Fri, 2006-02-24 at 04:20 -0800, Ross Finlayson wrote:

> Every object that was created by "play()" is reclaimed by "afterPlaying()".
> Note that classes - like the various *Framer* classes - that are 
> derived from "FramedFilter", automatically reclaim their source 
> object when they, themselves are reclaimed.  (See 
> "FramedFilter::~FramedFilter()".)

So the object returned by the create* methods get ownership of the
objects that are passed to the create* method as parameter.
for example;

fileSource = ByteStreamFileSource::createNew(*env, inputFileName);

mpegDemux = MPEG1or2Demux::createNew(*env, fileSource);

Now mpegDemux owns fileSource, and when mpegDemux is destroyed
fileSource is also destroyed ?

And the Medium::close(mpegDemux);  destroys the mpegDemux object (and
than also fileSource) right ?

It would be nice if API info like that would be part of the
documentation case;
doesn't say much :-) The only thing i can see there is that a object
created with new is returned, which makes me think it needs to be
deleted somewhere.

- Erwin

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