[Live-devel] problems with in_rtp.dll

Rodrigo Machado Barboza lolomachado at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 28 11:34:17 PST 2006


I am having problems with this plugin. I have the onDemandRtspServer working 
on port 8554, and I am trying to use the plugin to receive the stream. I 
tried using the winamp option "Add Url" and entered the URL 
"rtsp://localhost:8554/mp3AudioTest"  and winamp crashes. It shows an 
unrecoverable error, and shuts down. Is not a problem with my winamp 
version, because I enter other protocol URL (not attended by in_rtp.dll) as 
http:\\ and it works correctly.

On the other hand, if I use winamp from command line, executing:

winamp.exe rtsp://localhost:8554/mp3AudioTest

it works correctly!!! I can hear the stream perfectly!!!
Any ideas???



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