[Live-devel] loosing information when parse a frame and fMaxsize is less than frame size

Manuel Jesus Nogales mnogales at vdx.es
Wed Nov 29 17:00:21 PST 2006


I am a newbie working with live555. I have adapted the 
testOnDemandRTSPServer, and I have developed my own class 
miVideoServerMediaSubsession (: public OnDemandServerMediaSubsession) 
and class miStreamBufferSource (: public FramedSource) in order to  
obtain my source from a camera.
It works fine but in the method 
miVideoServerMediaSubsession::doGetNextFrame(), when I got a frame 
(stored in my buffer from my MPEG1 encoder) with size bigger that 
fMaxSize(in that moment) ,then I must to truncate information from that 
frame in order to could write at the fTo pointer.
Is there any way to order the StreamParser to change to the other Bank? 
I suppouse, it would restore the value of the fMaxSize to 150000 and 
then I will write all the frame  and I will not lose any information.

my  doGetNextFrame()
    num_bytes_codificados = m_video->codifica((char 
/ * my encode method, g_buffer_imagen (global variable buffer, store 
image at pgm format) -> g_buffer_codificado (global variable buffer, 
store actual frame of MPEG1 encoding), the method return the number of 
bytes of the encoded frame = size of g_buffer_codificado
    printf("PUNTO1 num_bytes_codificados: %d, fMaxSize: 
    if(num_bytes_codificados == -1)
        fFrameSize = 0;
        return -1;
        fFrameSize = num_bytes_codificados;
    if (fFrameSize > fMaxSize)
        fNumTruncatedBytes = fFrameSize - fMaxSize;
        fFrameSize = fMaxSize;
    printf("PUNTO2 fFrameSize: %d , fMaxSize: %d\n",fFrameSize,fMaxSize );
    return 0;

I know I am loosing information cause when I saw with my cliente 
"mplayer" the stream sometimes appear a frame with "bad" blocks.

I hope anyone could help me, Thanks in advance.


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