[Live-devel] How can I inject a stream to a remote darwin?

chenwei chenw at blrcsv.china.bell-labs.com
Tue Oct 10 19:56:05 PDT 2006

Dear all:

	I am using testMpeg4VideoToDarwin for injecting test.m4v to a remote Darwin Server.

	I type ./testMpeg4ViedoToDarwin ServerAddress, but there is a error:

	injector->setDestination() failed: cannot handle ANNOUNCE response: RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized

	I think it is because I didn't announce the userName and password of the remote server machine, so, how can I

add them? I have read the code of testMpeg4VideoToDarwin.cpp, but there are no hint:(

	Please help me out. Many thanks.

        chenw at blrcsv.china.bell-labs.com

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