[Live-devel] RTP padding feature

Victor Kozhuhov vkozhuhov at gmx.net
Mon Oct 16 14:52:26 PDT 2006


I found that RTP padding is required in some scenarios, so I added such feature into MultiFramedRTPSink. 
There are two new functions: 
void setPaddingBit(); - to set corresponding bit only (just in case), and 
void setFramePadding(unsigned numPaddingBytes); - to set padding bit and advance required number of bytes.
I expect the last function to be called from the doSpecialFrameHandling(...), so to make it working I slightly changed MultiFramedRTPSink::afterGettingFrame(...). 

Here is the sample code:
void SomeRTPSink::doSpecialFrameHandling(unsigned fragmentationOffset,
 unsigned char* frameStart,
 unsigned numBytesInFrame,
 struct timeval frameTimestamp,
 unsigned numRemainingBytes) 
 //align to some boundary
 unsigned neededPaddingBytes = X; //according to your need
 if (neededPaddingBytes && //requires alignment
  numRemainingBytes == 0 ) //can modify frame
  numBytesInFrame += neededPaddingBytes; //for future use within this function

I also did a few more changes:
- made SimpleRTPSource constuctor protected to be able to inherit it
- made WAVAudioFileServerMediaSubsession methods and data members protected to be able to inherit it
- slightly improved WAVAudioFileServerMediaSubsession code to make it more robust

If you are interested in such changes, you may find all of them attached. I hope you find this usefull and correct.

Victor Kozhuhov
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