[Live-devel] When using testOnDemandRTSPServer to stream the same stream concurrently, a segmentation fault occurs

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri Sep 8 00:08:13 PDT 2006

>	 I have changed the variable Boolean reuseFirstSource = True. 
>the first opened player
>can play the stream quite well, but after I opened a player on 
>another machine to play the
>same video(mpeg1 es video), at start it can play and then a 
>segmentation fault occurs.
>Finally the server was killed.
>	Is it a bug?

Possibly, but unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce this 
problem myself.

Does the problem happen only when you set "reuseFirstSource" to True, 
or does it also occur when "reuseFirstSource" is False?  Also, does 
the problem happen with several different MPEG-1 ES video files 
(named "testv.mpg"), or only with one such file?

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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