[Live-devel] Benchmarking

Vlad Seryakov vlad at crystalballinc.com
Mon Apr 9 16:14:43 PDT 2007

Ross Finlayson wrote:
>> Even with completely cached file, it seems to me that delay while
>> scanning all sockets
> Sets of sockets aren't 'scanned' anywhere in the code.  Instead, the 
> event loop is implemented (by default, with the "BasicTaskScheduler" 
> class) using "select()", which should be efficient even with large 
> numbers of readable sockets.
> It's possible, however, that with large numbers of open sockets, you 
> might be running into some OS-imposed limit that could be hurting 
> performance.  I think Linux has ways of configuring the OS to support 
> more open sockets, so that's something that you might want to look 
> into.

Yes, i meant select, i am writing scheduler using poll to see if 
performance will increase.

> (Also, re. 'benchmarking' in general: Remember, You Have Complete Source Code.)

That was more informative question what others have, i am doing my own 
tests but it is always good to know what is going on outside my environment.

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