[Live-devel] Cryptic error message when compiling with Bloodshed DevC++

Nathanael Berglund berglund at math.gatech.edu
Sat Apr 21 19:17:39 PDT 2007

I'm using the free development software Bloodshed DevC++ for doing my 
programming, and I've been trying to get it to compile the source code for 
LIVE555, but when I start trying to compile each directory 
('BasicUsageEnvironment', 'groupsock', 'liveMedia', and 
'UsageEnvironment') I get the rather cryptic error message:

in BasicUsageEnvironment.mak [Build Error]  No rule to make target 
`BasicUsageEnvironment0.obj', needed by `libBasicUsageEnvironment.lib'. 

I'm not familiar with the syntax of makefiles, and this error is greek 
to me! Does anyone know what exactly this error means? Or what I may be 
doing wrong?

-- Nate

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