[Live-devel] Windows compilation problem with Livemedia

hong liu l1436636 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 23 06:54:50 PDT 2007

I downloaded live.2007.04.20.tar.gz. My PC have installed Visual C++ 6.0. From the instructions posted in the web site, I first change the directory of Tools from "c:\Program Files\DevStudio\Vc" to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\COMMON\Tools" in the variable of the "TOOLS32 =" line in the file "win32config". Then I ran genWindowsMakefiles in the DOS Command Prompt window and it said:

Could Not Find C:\Temp\live\mediaServer\mediaServer.mak
Could Not Find C:\Temp\live\mediaServer\Makefile

I didn't find any mediaServer.mak in the package. Is it missed in the package? 


Hong Liu
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