[Live-devel] Extension Header

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri Jun 22 07:54:26 PDT 2007

>What would I do to add a extension RTP header?? I saw there are some functions
>in MultiFramedRTPSink that seems to do this (setSpecialHeaderBytes /
>setSpecialHeaderBytes) ? Is it OK? In that case, exactly where and when have I
>to add a call to this functions for a correct implementation?


The code currently does not support RTP extension headers (except to 
ignore them if it sees them in incomig packets).  You would need to 
modify "MultiFramedRTPSink" (for sending) and "MultiFramedRTPSource" 
(for receiving) to support them.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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