[Live-devel] Streaming Speed Limited for HD files?

Hernandez, Fernando fherna04 at harris.com
Wed May 16 15:10:52 PDT 2007

Thanks for the quick reply!
The setup right now is actually a direct line, GigE connection between
the server and the client, with no other switches, hubs, or other
clients connected to the server.  I have the server and client machines
a few feet from each other.  If I open multiple concurrent streams, each
of them goes at .95MB/sec, but individually they never reach the actual
rate (anywhere from 1.5 to 2.3 MB/sec).  I have tried hooking the server
up to two other clients, and the same problem occurs.
After openRTSP completes, the file generated is an exact replica of the
video file on the server, it just came in at .95MB/sec instead of
2.3MB/sec.  I can play back the file locally on the client using VLC and
it plays fine with no artifacts or visible data loss.
Unfortunately, I can't provide a url to the server as the testing
environment is behind my company's firewall and is over direct-link as
opposed to over the company network.  What I can provide is the video
files I'm using, as I grabbed a few sample HD files from the web.

>From this site I'm using the HD football clip at the top, and the soap
opera clip at the bottom.
>From this site I'm using the "new mobile and calendar" and "park run"
files (any resolution).
http://w6rz.net/ <http://w6rz.net/> 
Thanks again, let me know if this new information helps.

From: live-devel-bounces at ns.live555.com
[mailto:live-devel-bounces at ns.live555.com] On Behalf Of Ross Finlayson
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 5:09 PM
To: LIVE555 Streaming Media - development & use
Subject: Re: [Live-devel] Streaming Speed Limited for HD files?

	I have a Live 555 media server up and running, and am using
openRTSP to stream a video file from it.  The video file in question is
a 2 MB/sec high definition transport stream mpg file, but the data only
comes in at a maximum data rate of about .95 MB/sec.

Are you seeing any significant packet loss?  I.e., after you've recorded
your stream using "openRTSP", and then play the recorded stream, does it
show any (significant) data loss?

If not, then please post the URL of one of your video files, so we can
download it and test it for ourselves.

If, however, you *are* seeing significant packet loss, then the problem
might be that you have a network or switch somewhere that's limited to
10 Mbps.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.
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