[Live-devel] ScheduleDelayedTask

Luc Roels lroels at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 16 23:42:41 PDT 2007

I am expiriencing a strange problem. I have written a video client capable of receiving up to 16 simultaneous video streams, decode and display them. 
Here's a snippet from my reception routine... All very standard.
    g_cWatchVariable = 0x00;
    psData = &m_sTrack.sPostReadData;
    if(psData->iWaiting==0x00) { 
       psData->iWaiting= 0x01; 
       psData->uiSize = 0;
       m_sTrack.poSource->getNextFrame(psData->pucBuffer,psData->iMaxBufLen,HandlePostRead,(void*)        psData,NULL,NULL); 
    // Create a task that will be called if no data is received for over 10 seconds
    task = m_poTaskScheduler->scheduleDelayedTask( i64TimeOut, NoDataReceived, (void*)this );
    // Stop the current thread of control from proceeding,
    // but allows delayed tasks (and/or background I/O handling) to proceed.
    // A 'g_cWatchVariable' != 0 resumes the program flow,
    // so HandlePostRead should set g_cWatchVariable to nonzero
    // Remove the task 
    m_poTaskScheduler->unscheduleDelayedTask( task );
The reception routine runs in a thread, so when decoding 16 video streams I have 16 simultaneous threads running. It all works fine for a while ( sometimes several hours ) but then occasionally I fall into the NoDataReceived callback, which would mean I have not received any data for over 10 seconds. However, if I point the camera at myself I see real time movement up to the moment that the callback is triggered, so there is no way I could have had no reception of data for more than 10 seconds. Any ideas what could be wrong? Is the scheduleDelayedTask malfunctioning under certain conditions ( heavy CPU load?? ) 
best regards,
Luc Roels
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