[Live-devel] Visual 2005

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Apr 10 06:36:36 PDT 2008

>I have seen a few request asking how to compile the LiveMedia library for
>Microsoft Visual 2005. I know the FAQ provides a link for this purpose. But
>you have to go through many steps. I have a Visual 2005 solution file (.sln)
>as well as the associated project files (.vcproj) for visual 2005 that
>compiles the whole LiveMedia library as well as the associated applications.
>I keep these project files in a separate folder in the tree folders of the
>library. I use these projects files to compile each LiveMedia source code
>release with Visual Studio 2005.
>Are you interested to integrate these projects file into the library?

No, because I don't want to include something that I don't use (and 
therefore can't test, or upgrade) myself.  However, if you have 
something that's available on a web site, then I would be happy to 
add a link to this under 
<http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/#config-windows> (e.g., there's 
already a 'hints' link there.)

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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