[Live-devel] WebCam Capture->MPEG Compression->RTP Streaming

Adish Kumar Singla aadish.singla at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 01:59:16 PDT 2008

 Dear All,

I am new to live555 and I need your kind help.
What I want to build is an application, where
1) I like to capture video frames from Webcam (perhaps using directshow),
2) Compress these frames using MPEG codecs
3) RTP Stream the compressed stream to another PC
4) To be able to retrieve individual frames at another PC from RTP Stream

What I like to know is:
 - What files should I look into, and would it be possible to do Steps-1,2,3
   with live555.
- Is it that live555 can only help me to  stream .mpeg files instead of
stream that
  is live captured from webcam.

Any suggestions/help/comments are more then welcome.

Thanks a lot in advance

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