[Live-devel] Streaming live MPEG4 stream

cupery at sina.com cupery at sina.com
Wed Feb 20 01:23:29 PST 2008

hi Ross,
I want to use livemedia rtsp server to stream live MPEG4 video.
I read the testOndemandServerRTSPServer, it uses FramedFileSource as source, the program will first open the source file, read as many bytes as it can to fill in the buffer, call parser to parse and get some info, then start play and re-open the file and read again from the file head into another buffer, and during the play, it will call the parser to parse the data many times.
My question is, is my description above right? And in my program, I write my own MPEG4LiveServerMediaSubsession(from ServerMediaSubsession) and MPEG4FramedLiveSource(from Framed Souce), the live source send one frame each time, but I found the parser can't find enough info in one frame. Do I need to save them in a big buffer all the time so that the parser can parse rightly? If the frames data are not enough, can I break the parser and wait more frames? Is there some other live framedsource code I can read in the livemedia codes?
Best reguards.

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