[Live-devel] Server doesn't interleave reads from pipe and sending packets?

Cristiano Belloni belloni at imavis.com
Wed Jan 16 08:04:29 PST 2008

Hi, I'm streaming with liveMedia RTSP server from a FIFO (a separate 
process encodes frames and writes in it).

I noticed with strace that my server, to which i add a 
H263plusVideoFileServerMediaSubsession, does a lot of read()s from the 
fifo in a row and then a lot of send()s to the socket.

So, there's about two seconds in which the server is reading from the 
fifo (and _not_ streaming) and about two seconds in which the server is 
streaming (and _not_ reading from the FIFO).

This cause two-second pauses in the client (that receives nothing while 
the server is consuming the fifo) and blocked write(s) in the fifo (that 
becomes full while the server is streaming).

Maybe it has something to do with the estBitrate in 
H263plusVideoFileServerMediaSubsession (too large or too short)? Should 
I subclass and change it?



Belloni Cristiano
Imavis Srl.
www.imavis.com <http://www.imavis.com>
belloni at imavis.com <mailto://belloni@imavis.com>

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