[Live-devel] streaming data not contained in a file

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Jan 31 08:05:50 PST 2008

>I need to transmit data

What kind of data is this?  You cannot just transmit data using RTP 
without knowing what kind of data it is.  Each media type has a 
different "RTP paayload format" - i.e., rules for how the data is 
packaged into RTP packets.

>I've got an other question: I don't understand the diffence between 
>the "ServerMediaSubSession" subclasses (OnDemandServerMediaSession 
>and PassiveServerMediaSession).

"PassiveServerMediaSession" is used to provide access to streams 
(typically multicast) that already 
exist.  "OnDemandServerMediaSession" creates a new (unicast) stream 
for each new client.

>Last question: testRelay is receiving data from a RTSP server and 
>sending this on another RTSP server.

No - "testRelay" does not use RTSP at all.  It simply relays UDP packets.

	Ross Finlayson
	Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)

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