[Live-devel] Queries about live555 Streaming Media

Hannah havthanh at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 00:41:50 PDT 2008

I'm trying to compile the live555 Streaming Media packet on Linux. I have 2
problems and can't find the solution in the FAQ. So I wrote to ask. Hope you
will reply to me :)

1. When I compile the source code package, I follow the instructions that :
        - extract the package to a folder, then type the command : *cd
home/hannah/Documents* . This is the folder contains the "live".
        -  After that I create the makefile by the command :
*./genMakefiles linux.
* But I got the error *"new line".* So I can't proceed further. (can't *
"make"* )
What's the problem when I create Makefile? I search google to find answer,
but can't find it. Any modifications I should make before compiling the
package? (I have the gcc compiler already).

2. I have one idea that, like the Bittorrent, I will have a server (tracker)
and clients connect together, but I will not need to wait for it to finish
downloading, but I just wait for it to buffer, then play.
  - Can I use live555 Streaming Media package to do that?
  - If yes, it means I will need to create a database for server, to track
down which client got which file and need which file? How can I create
  - Can I let 2 clients connect together? Like client 1 got file A, client 2
need that file, can I let the 2 clients connect and take the file it need?
(for example use openRSTP client). If yes, how can I connect them?

This is just the idea. But I don't know how to implement.
Hope you will reply to me.
Thank you very much
Have a nice day.
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